Vladimir Saetchnikov
Belarusian State University
The session is devoted to the development of university satellites technologies in the context of aerospace education in general, including new trends in the development of ultra-small vehicles, payload, launches, group flights and the related improvement of aerospace education technology: a satellite as a flying educational and scientific laboratory, a remote access laboratory, group training, project training, B-training, involvement of industrial partners, etc. Presentations of projects of university and youth robots, UAVs, satellite and space measurements and measuring equipment are welcome. It is also of great interest to analyze new trends in research and development of students and youth in the field of aerospace instruments and measurements from teaching to commercialization. International cooperation of universities as a factor accelerating the transformation of the university system in accordance with the modern requirements of the labor market is also welcomed. The participation of representatives from the aerospace industry is encouraged.
Topics for this Special Session include (but not limited to):
- New trends of university satellites development including ultra-small vehicles, payload, launches, group flights etc.
- New advanced education technologies in aerospace (group learning, project learning, B-learning, start up, industrial partner involvement etc.)
- University and youth robotic, UAV, satellite and space projects;
- Commercialization of student research and development in aerospace instrumentation and measurement.
- International technical university cooperation.
Professor Vladimir Saetchnikov was graduated from Belarusian State University (BSU), Physics Department, Minsk, USSR, in 1976. In 1982 he took his PhD from Belarusian State University and in 1994 - Dr. Sci. from Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. During 1976-1995 he was employed by Research Institute of Applied Physical Problems, Minsk, Belarus. Since 1995 he was a professor of the Faculty oh Radio Physics and Electronics, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. Since 1998 he was a Head of the Chair of Physics, since 2008 – head of Aerospace Educational Center, since 2010 – head of the Institute of Physics and Aerospace Technologies including Industry Laboratory of Applied Aerospace Technologies. He is the author of more then 300 publications including books, articles and patents.