Oral Presentations
The duration of each presentation is 20 minutes including discussion. Authors should limit their presentation to 15 minutes to allow for 5 minutes of questions.
A projector and a computer with MS PowerPoint & Adobe Acrobat Reader will be available in every session room for regular presentations.
Preparation of Visuals
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST BRING THE PRESENTATION ON A USB MEMORY STICK IN ORDER TO TRANSFER IT TO THE COMPUTER IN THE PRESENTATION ROOM. Files can be uploaded to the computers in the lecture rooms during the breaks between the sessions. To avoid software compatibility problems, speakers are advised to put .ppt, .pptx and .pdf versions of their presentation on the USB stick.
Be warned that movies embedded in the presentations are not guaranteed to be played. In addition, avoid using fonts that are not present in the Windows operating systems.
Speakers should arrive in their session room 10 minutes BEFORE the start of their session to report to the Session Chair.
A template for oral presentation is available for download.
Poster Presentation
A novel concept that is being introduced in MetroAeroSpace2018 is the Electronic Poster, or ePoster. An ePoster utilizes a large monitor and computer to display multimedia versions of a poster. It gives an opportunity for a computer savvy presenter in the poster session to more effectively convey information that would not necessarily be possible with a traditional printed poster. It also enhances visualization to attract interest of attendees. This method of presentation may change the way conferences conduct poster sessions in the future.
ePosters are to be displayed from 9:00 to 18:00.
Guidelines for an ePoster
The file should be a JPEG portrait;
JPEG Size:
width 1080 pixel - height 1830 pixel (1080 X 1830) - for file produced with Corel Draw, Paint Shop Pro, ...
width 28.6 cm height 48.42 cm - for JPEG file produced with Power Point
No requirement for DPI
Please send the ePoster by email to metroaerospace@unisannio.it within June 15, 2018.
No printed poster will be showed.