The IEEE MetroAeroSpace 2018 Workshop will have "Live Demonstration" track to allow an interactive and tangible form of presentation, which is quite different from the oral and poster sessions. The demonstrations will be conducted in presentation booths and ample space will be provided to set up a working system, may it be interactive software on a laptop or a hardware setup. Conference delegates are invited to experience the demonstrations directly, to interact with, play with, and challenge them. Presenters will have the opportunity to show direct proof of their working systems and to create a lasting impression. Prospective demonstrations could be either be related to the work that has already been published or the one going to be published during the IEEE MetroAeroSpace 2018 Workshop.

Demo Guidelines
Proposals of live demonstrations should submit a one-page description of the demonstration, using the same page formatting as for regular IEEE MetroAeroSpace papers. In case of demonstration based on already published work, the paper must include a reference to at least one earlier publication.
In addition, there will be a “Best Demonstration Contest” to recognize the top live demonstration and encourage the participation in the demonstration session. The contest winner will receive the "Best Demonstration Award" of IEEE MetroAeroSpace 2018.
The one-page demonstration description must contain the following information:
- Demonstration title and author information: The title must begin with "Live Demonstration:" and in case of simultaneous paper submission must then cite the title of the full paper.
- Demonstration setup: Describe the equipment that you will bring to MetroAeroSpace 2018 Workshop. Include a photograph and/or a screenshot. Only a power plug, a table and pin wall will be provided. Demonstrators are responsible for the transportation of their own equipment to the meeting site. Indicate any special requirements such as for example extra space for demonstrating robotic movement or other requirements which the organizers should be aware of. Please ensure that the equipment you bring is safe for delegates to interact with.
- Visitor experience: Explain the way in which a visitor experiences and interacts with your demonstration, how it reveals the essence of your work, furthers understanding, and what the visitor will learn.
- Earlier publication (for demonstration based on already published work): Please include one or more citations referring to your work about the scientific background of your live demonstration. This reference must be publicly and easily accessible for the reviewers - a URL is highly recommended!