June 20 - 22, 2018
Rome, Italy
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Special Issue on Measurement Journal
A Special Issue of the Measurement journal (ISSN: 0263-2241) about the 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace 2018) has been activated.
It is possible to send an extended version of your paper for the publication on this special issue.

MetroAeroSpace Photo Gallery
2018 IEEE MetroAeroSpace Photo Gallery is now available!
Send us your pictures at info@metroaerospace.org

5th IEEE International Workshop on
Metrology for AeroSpace
Following the success of the four editions of IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace), it was decided to promote a fifth edition of this event, which aims at reinforcing and supporting the collaborations among people working in developing instrumentation and measurement methods for aerospace.
This new edition will keep pursuing the state of the art and practice started over the past years.
Attention is paid, but not limited to, new technology for metrology-assisted production in aerospace industry, aircraft component measurement, sensors and associated signal conditioning for aerospace, and calibration methods for electronic test and measurement for aerospace.
The program is designed to raise the interest of a wide group of researchers, operators and decision-makers from metrology and aerospace fields, by presenting the most innovative solutions in this field from the scientific and technological point of view.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Workshop and the proceedings will be submitted for indexing in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
IEEE content is indexed by Google and has agreements in place with other publishers and services to include IEEE papers in their online and print indexes. Examples include INSPEC, Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science, Ei Engineering, and Village. For a complete listing, please click the Publishing and Indexing Partners section on the IEEE Xplore help page.
Workshop Topics
Important Dates

Special Track on Metrology for Future Space Exploration:
Instruments, Technology and Techniques
Organized by: Marcello Coradini, ASI/JPL - Enrico Flamini, ASI, Italy - Stefano Debei, University of Padua, Italy
Special Track on Military Metrology for AeroSpace
Organized by: AFCEA Naples Chapter and CESMA - Centro Studi Militari Aeronautici "Giulio Douhet"
With the Patronage of

In Collaboration with