Meteorological Sensors and Weather Systems for Flight Support
Paola Mercogliano
Italian Aerospace Research Center, Italy
This special session has the main goal to represent the innovative research developed in the framework of the meteorological sensors and weather systems supporting pilots, watchtower and flight management systems through an increasing awareness of the weather conditions during the different phases of the flight (from taxing and take off up to descent and landing). Knowledge of the meteorological conditions includes not only measurements of the present weather conditions and, more specifically measurements of the features of the hazardous meteorological events affecting aerospace vehicles, but also the use of these measurements to increase the quality of the forecast on different time ranges (from nowcasting to short and medium range). Additionally this session also includes research activities on the implementation of innovatice integrated multi-platform weather systems permitting to increase the amount and quality of weather data available on board.
Degree in geophysics; master in computational fluid dynamics and weather forecaster. Currently head of the Lab. “Meteorological Systems and Weather Instruments” including also a facility for the monitoring of the weather condition at Italian Aerospace Research Center and head of the Division “REgional Models and geo-Hydrological Impact” at Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation for the development and implementation of tool for the regionalization of the climate change signal and for the quantitative evaluation of the effect of climate change in geo-hydrological impacts. She collaborates with the European COSMO Consortium for the development of the Numerical Weather Prediction model COSMO from 2003 and from 2008 with the European CLM Assembly for the development of the Regional Climate Model COSMO CLM.