• https://www.metroaerospace.org/mas2022/sites/default/files/revslider/image/slidemas.jpeg
    Metrology for AeroSpace
    PISA, ITALY   /    JUNE 27 - 29, 2022




Jerzy Józwik

Lublin University of Technology, Poland


Dariusz Mazurkiewicz

Lublin University of Technology, Poland


Magdalena Zawada-Michałowska

Lublin University of Technology, Poland


Ireneusz Zagórski

Lublin University of Technology, Poland


This Special Session is dedicated to aspects related to manufacturing and metrology in the aerospace industry. It presents an interesting opportunity for engineers and researchers to provide an increasing of knowledge and an easier diffusion of the most recent developments related to manufacturing and metrology in the aerospace field. This session is focused on the one hand on the metrological aspects of manufacturing parts for the aerospace industry like: measurements of aircraft structures and aerospace materials, on the other hand on the aspect of aviation manufacturing like: advanced diagnostic systems of machines, monitoring and optimization of manufacturing process and optimization of difficult-to-cut materials.


Topics for this Special Session include:

  • Advanced diagnostic systems of machines in aerospace manufacturing;
  • Machine measurement systems and their control;
  • Diagnostics of robots during the manufacture of aircraft parts;
  • Monitoring and optimization of manufacturing processes in aerospace production;
  • Metrology and optimization of geometrical and physical parameters of surface integrity;
  • Optimization of difficult-to-cut materials;
  • Surface metrology in aerospace manufacturing;
  • Friction and wear measurement of aerospace materials and composites;
  • Measurement and modeling of aircraft structures.


Prof. Jerzy Józwik is a Head of Department of Production Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology and staff member of The State School of Higher Education in Chełm, where he holds the positions of Deputy Director of the Institute of Technical Studies and Aviation and Head of the Engineering Studies Centre. Józwik is the Director of the Office of the Polish Metrological Union established by the Minister of Education and Science. He is a member of numerous scientific societies including the Lublin Scientific Society, the Polish Society of Engineers and Mechanics, the Polish Society of Production Management, and the Polish Welding Society, where, since 2015, he has held the position of Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Section of the Polish Welding Society, Lublin Branch. In 2020 he was honoured with the Medal of the National Education Commission (KEN Medal), awarded for special services to education and upbringing by the Polish Minister of National Education. In 2018 he was honoured with the Silver Cross of Merit and in 2011 Bronze Cross of Merit from the President of the Republic of Poland. He is also a member of various scientific committees and scientific conference organizing committees, both domestically and internationally. He is the author of over 220 reviewed papers and scientific publications, author of one monograph and co-author of two monographs, the editor of one monograph and a co-editor of two monographs. He co-authored two patents, two utility models and three patent applications, expert opinions concerning innovations for industry. He holds certificates related to the operation of machines and numerically controlled devices, CNC machine tools, robots, cutters, tool setting system operation, CNC machine tool diagnostic systems, microscopes, and optical tools utilized in reverse engineering and research. He is also a member of scientific committees and a reviewer for scientific jurnals (like: Measurement, Materials, ASTRJ - Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, Journal Tehnički vjesnik – Technical Gazette) as well as a reviewer and member of the jury in a national competition for Best Master Thesis organized by Sandvik Coromant in Poland.

Dariusz Mazurkiewicz is a professor of mechanical engineering at the Lublin University of Technology in Lublin. Prof. Mazurkiewicz is the deputy chairman of the Polish Metrological Union established by the Polish Minister of Education and Science. His research interests include production engineering. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly "Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability". He is also the Advisory Board member of the journal "Heliyon: Engineering" (Elsevier), Board of Editors member in "Aviation Journal" and Editorial Board member in the journal of "Advances in Military Technology". Previously he was a visiting scholar or research fellow of the Cambridge University Engineering Department (UK), Kobe University (Japan) and of the System Research Institute (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland). His research skills and experience are in maintenance and reliability, predictive maintenance, IIoT, numerical modeling, transportation systems, mining engineering technology, production engineering, data mining, artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic, innovation, regional innovation policy. He is an expert of the European Commission, Research Executive Agency. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Motor Transport Institute, nominated by the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of the Republic of Poland. He was an external expert in the “National Foresight Programme – results implementation” and the National Programme Foresight Poland 2020. Expert in the project within the project “RIS EVALLUB Lubelskie”. Supervisor of the research project of the State Committee for Scientific Research and of the Lublin Regional Authorities: “Innovation Strategy for Lublin Region”. Reviewer of projects submitted to the Polish State Committee of Scientific Researches, reviewer of international journals (Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, ACME, Engineering Failure Analysis, Tribology International, MPER, Expert Systems with Applications etc.).

Ph.D. Eng. Magdalena Zawada-Michałowska is an assistant professor at the Department of Production Engineering at the Lublin University of Technology. In 2020 by the decision of the Scientific Discipline Council of Mechanical Engineering of the Lublin University of Technology received a doctoral degree with honors in the field of engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of mechanical engineering. The doctoral dissertation concerned the deformation of thin-walled elements after milling. In her scientific work, she focuses on issues related to the technology of machining of thin-walled elements, especially aircraft, as well as metrology of geometric quantities. Magdalena Zawada-Michałowska is a co-author of many scientific publications in reputable scientific journals indexed in leading databases, such as: Web of Science and Scopus. She has repeatedly participated in national and international scientific conferences, presenting the latest scientific achievements. In addition, she cooperates with aviation companies in the implementation of research projects.

Ph.D. Eng. Ireneusz Zagórski is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the Department of Production Engineering in Lublin University of Technology (Lublin). Research interests include milling of light alloys (research and analysis of machinability indicators e.g. roughness parameters, cutting forces, displacement and acceleration of vibrations, temperature, fractions of chips). My current project is 'Miniatura4 – Influence of Technological Parameters and Tools Geometry on The Chips Temperature in the Machining Area During Milling Magnesium Alloys' financed by the National Science Center. He was a participant in several implementation projects dedicated to the aviation industry: Aviation Valley (Modern material technologies used in the aviation industry, Modern machining of magnesium and aluminum alloys), Innolot (Innovative Aviation: Amphora, Bloster, Technology for Bonding Primary Composite Airplanes) financed by The National Centre for Research and Development. He is a member of several societies (e.g. SIMP, PTZP). He is the author of over 58 reviewed papers and scientific publications and co-author of one scientific monograph. He is also a reviewer for scientific journals (e.g.: Materials, Machines, Micromachines, ASTRJ - Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal. From 2019 auxiliary supervisor in the PhD thesis Precision milling of magnesium alloys elements.

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With the Patronage of

Esercito Italiano
Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza del Volo
Politecnico di Bari
Military University of Technology
Technical University of Sofia
Moldova State University
Centro Interdipartimentale del Politecnico di Bari Magna Grecia
Centro Interdipartimentale del Politecnico di Bari Magna Grecia
Memorial University
Lublin University of Technology
The State School of Higher Education, Chelm
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Polish Air Force University
National Technical University - Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Samara Polytech
Kazan National Research Technical University
Namangan State University
Tashkent State Technical University
Andijan State University
Karakalpak State University

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