Terrestrial and in-flight verification of the guidance, navigation and control systems for aerospace vehicles


Yevgeny Somov

Yevgeny Somov

Samara State Technical Univrsity

Paolo Castaldi

Paolo Castaldi

University of Bologna, Italy


The session is devoted to research, design and implementation of guidance, navigation, control (GNC) systems for satellites, space flying robots and various aerospace vehicles. New methods and facilities for the ground and flight testing and adjustment of the GNC aerospace systems, including contemporary methods for passive and active fault-tolerant control, are welcomed. The participation of aerospace industry representatives is welcomed and encouraged. For the session some papers will be presented by members of the IFAC (http://www.ifac-control.org/ ) Technical Committee on Aerospace.


Topics for this Special Session include:

  • Terrestrial and in-flight verification of onboard devices and instrumental clusters for aerospace GNC systems;
  • In-flight adjustment of the aerospace GNC and communication systems;
  • New methods and facilities for testing of the aerospace GNC systems, including modern methods for the passive and active fault tolerant control;
  • Software for terrestrial and in-flight identification, verification and tuning of the aerospace GNC and communication systems.


Professor Yevgeny Somov was graduated from Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University, Department of Aerospace Control Systems, Kazan, USSR, in 1972. In 1982 he took his PhD Engineering on automatic control of the aerospace vehicles from Institute of Control Science, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR. During 1984-2003 he was a Head of Research Laboratory «Dynamics of Control Systems» at Matrosov Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia. In 1997 he received the title of Professor on Applied Mathematics from Irkutsk State University. Since 2008, he is a Head of Research Department «Navigation, Guidance and Control» at Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia. Since 1998, Yevgeny Somov has been a member of the Technical Committee on Aerospace of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), he is the author of about 400 articles published in international journals and proceedings of international conferences.

Professor Paolo Castaldi was graduated from the University of Bologna, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Italy, in 1990. In 1994 he took his PhD in System Engineering from Universities of Bologna, Padova and Firenze, Italy. Since 1998 he has been a Confirmed Researcher at the Department of Electronics, Computer Science, and Systems at the University of Bologna. Since 2012, he had been a research supervisor for several graduate students in information technology, navigation and fault-tolerant flight control for aerospace vehicles. Since 2008, Paolo Castaldi has been a member of the Technical Committee on Aerospace of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), he is author of about 100 articles published in international journals and proceedings of international conferences.

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With the Patronage of

Esercito Italiano
Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza del Volo
Politecnico di Bari
Military University of Technology
Technical University of Sofia
Moldova State University
Centro Interdipartimentale del Politecnico di Bari Magna Grecia
Centro Interdipartimentale del Politecnico di Bari Magna Grecia
Memorial University
Lublin University of Technology
The State School of Higher Education, Chelm
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Polish Air Force University
National Technical University - Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Samara Polytech
Kazan National Research Technical University
Namangan State University
Tashkent State Technical University
Andijan State University
Karakalpak State University

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