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    Metrology for AeroSpace
    PISA, ITALY   /    JUNE 27 - 29, 2022

Technologies for "New Space" Systems

Sacchi Claudio Sacchi University of Trento, Italy "Glue Technologies for Space Systems Panel" Chair

Claudio Sacchi

University of Trento, Italy

IEEE AESS "Glue Technologies for Space Systems Panel" Chair


In the recent years, the emerging concept of “New Space” is changing the vision of Space as an ecosystem where connectivity is an enabling “glue” technology servicing a lot of new applications. What shall we see in the “New Space”? We shall see, for sure, more software rather than hardware, more “network intelligence” rather than pure repetition of signals, tighter integration among terrestrial and Space segments (navigation, broadcasting, communications, IoT, etc.). Space communications will exploit advanced concepts of “quantum engineering”. Moreover, the “New Space” should be also sustainable. How can we guarantee the “Space Sustainability”? This tutorial will try to answer to these questions, presenting an overview of the most innovative enabling technologies for “New Space” systems that will characterize the evolution of Space in the next decades.


Claudio Sacchi received the “Laurea” degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. in Space Science and Engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1992 and 2003, respectively. From 1996 to 2002, he was a Research Cooperator with the Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering (DIBE), University of Genoa, and with the National Italian Consortium in Telecommunications (CNIT), managing project activities in the field of multimedia surveillance systems and satellite communications. Since August 2002, he has joined the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University of Trento, Italy, covering the role of an Assistant Professor. He is also with the Research Unit at the University of Trento, CNIT. He upgraded to the position of an Associate Professor in December 2020. He has authored and coauthored more than 110 papers published in international journals and conferences. His research interests are mainly focused on wideband mobile and satellite transmission systems based on space, time and frequency diversity, MIMO systems, array processing; multi-rate and multi-access wireless communications; EHF broadband aerospace communications; software radio and cognitive radio; and radio communications for emergency recovery applications. In 2011, he was a Guest Editor of the special issue of PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE: Aerospace Communications: History, Trends and Future and the featured-topic special issue of IEEE Communications Magazine: Toward the Space 2.0 Era in 2015. Since 2019, he has been coordinating and chairing the IEEE AESS technical panel: “Glue Technologies for Space Systems” that was awarded by AESS as “Outstanding Panel of the Year” in 2020 and 2021. He is a member of the IEEE ComSoc, IEEE BTS, IEEE VT, and IEEE AESS Society.

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With the Patronage of

Esercito Italiano
Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza del Volo
Politecnico di Bari
Military University of Technology
Technical University of Sofia
Moldova State University
Centro Interdipartimentale del Politecnico di Bari Magna Grecia
Centro Interdipartimentale del Politecnico di Bari Magna Grecia
Memorial University
Lublin University of Technology
The State School of Higher Education, Chelm
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Polish Air Force University
National Technical University - Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Samara Polytech
Kazan National Research Technical University
Namangan State University
Tashkent State Technical University
Andijan State University
Karakalpak State University

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