Aerodynamic Measurement and Propulsion System Control of Aerial Vehicles
Zbigniew Czyż
Polish Air Force University, Poland
Paweł Magryta
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Tomasz Zahorski
Polish Air Force University, Poland
The session focuses on the recent advancements in aerodynamic measurements and control strategies for both unmanned and manned aerial vehicles. The session will highlight advanced measurement techniques, including experimental, numerical, and analytical methods, to understand the complex aerodynamic phenomena. Additionally, the session will discuss the practical applications of research findings in the context of improving aerial vehicles designs, increasing flight efficiency, reducing drag, and optimizing control systems. This session is an excellent platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, engineers, and practitioners interested in developing and improving UAV and MAV technology through modern mea surement methods and aerodynamic control strategies.
Topics for this Special Session include:
- Measurements of aerodynamic load and flow field
- Flight control systems of aerial vehicles
- Designing and measurement of aerial vehicles propulsion systems
- Operational tests of aircraft propulsion systems
Dr Zbigniew Czyż is a staff member of the Faculty of Aviation at the Polish Air Force University (since 2018) where he holds the position of assistant professor. He studied at Lublin University of Technology where he graduated in 2013 with a specialization in construction and operation of aircraft propulsion systems. In 2019, he received the degree of PhD in engineering. He is the author of 84 reviewed papers and scientific publications and editor of 14 monographs. He co-authored 17 patents and 21 patent applications. Two of them were awarded by international organizations, e.g. gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva in 2016, gold medal at the 10th International Wars aw Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2016, special award from the First Institute of Researchers and Inventors (Iran) at the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions "Geneva Inventions", gold medal granted by the Chinese Innovation & Invention Society (Taiwan) and silver medal granted by Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalisers during the International Warsaw Inventions Exhibition – IWIS 2013. Worker in many projects in the field of aviation propulsion systems and fluid mechanics. His main area of research involves computational fluid dynamics, experimental aerodynamics and construction of unmanned aerial vehicles. The research is aimed at the practical application and cooperation between science and enterprises.
Dr Paweł Magryta is an employee of Lublin University of Technology in the Department of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Aviation Propulsion Systems. He has been working with the Department since 2009, taking part in more than a dozen research and development projects as a person responsible for design and numerical calculations. Projects were financed from The Polish National Centre for Research and Development, Polish National Science Center and 7th Framework Programme for Research of European Union. In 2024, he received the degree of PhD in mechanical engineering. He is the author of 45 reviewed papers and scientific publications and author of 13 monographs sections. He co-authored 5 pate nts. Currently, his scope of research is related to control and strategy control of aviation propulsion systems.