Metrology and on-orbit calibration for spacecraft and astronomy
Liu Min
Chief Researcher, Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test,
affiliated to China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing, China
You Li
Department of Metrology, Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test,
affiliated to China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing, China
The session discuss about idea, researches, and implementations on metrology technology in electrical or non-electrical quantity for spacecraft test, on-orbit calibration for sensor or scientific instruments, also discuss definition of time, mass, and length on cosmic scale and time keeping technology for long life and deep space astronomical exploration.
The suitable topics for this Special Session include but are not limited to:
- Vacuum, thermal, electical, mechanics, length, mass spectra, gas flowrate, time and frequency measurement and calibration for satellite or other spacecraft.
- On orbit calibration methods for long life spacecraft.
- Definition of time, weight, and length on cosmic scale.
- Time keeping in space.
Liu Min is Chief Reseacher at Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test, affiliated to China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing, China, where he is chief metrology expert in China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). He is taking part in 8 projects funded by the national defense science and industry bureau in the field of space metrolgy and electromagnetic metrology.
He received M.Sc and B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from theHarbin Technology, Harbin in 1991 and 1994, and a Ph.D degree in spacecraft design from China Academy of Space Technology, in the area of metrology technolgy for satelite test, in 2008, and compeleted postdoctoral research on electromagnetic metrology from Beihang University in 2011.
He is the chairman of the Electromagnetic Metrology Committee in China of the International Union of Radio Science, the general secretary of the Beijing Electronic Instrument Industry Association, and a member of the China Electronics Society, China Metrology Society, and China Aerospace Society. He is also a national-level registered metrologist, national-level standard assessor and international iNARTE Certified ESD Senior Engineer.
You Li is a senior engineer at Department of Metrology of Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement and Test, affiliated to China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing, China, where he is a supervisor of Intelligent metrology center. He is project manager in On-orbit Calibration for Current Sensor in Spacecraft.
He received a B.Sc. degree in electronic information engineering from the Beihang University, Beijing in 2007, and a M.Sc. degree in spacecraft design from China Academy of Space Technology, in the area of metrology technolgy for satelite test, in 2010.