Military Metrology for AeroSpace
The logistic support evolution for the Italian Air Force fleet.
The choice of maintenance policy to optimize aircraft availability and resources

Brigadier General, Italian Air Force
Commander, Fleet Support Division
Italian Air Force Logistic Command
00185 Roma – ITALY
The aircraft availability is one of the highest priority operational requirement within the Air Force. Some of the main drivers affecting any study and options regarding the military aircraft logistic support are: a) declining financial and human resources; b) increasing cost of maintaining legacy systems; c) combat capability, readiness, deployment.
Starting from the weapon system acquisition procedure, the paper covers the importance to set an accurate comprehensive operational requirement (i.e.: performance, infrastructure, economic, financial, logistic, growth potential, industrial workshare, etc.) at an early stage.
The requirement ideally should include the envisaged logistic policy (maintenance for the air system, armament, simulators, government to industry share for the organizational, interim and depot responsibility as applicable) as well as the deployment (in-country and abroad Deployment Operating Base (DOB), etc.) for both exercises and actual operations.
The challenge at this point is to accomodate various requirements which may appear antithetical. This is done taking into account the in-service experience and the lessons learned in previous programmes, in order to examine and choose the best maintenance policy for the weapon system, considering all the relevant factors (limited funding, human resources, existing organization and infrastructures, etc.). All the elements will be discussed in the context of reducing life cycle cost and improving the availability.
Brig. Gen. Maurizio ASTOLFI is a graduate of the Italian Air Force Academy and he holds a Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Naples.
He served since 1982 at the Italian Air Force Flight Test Center (Reparto Sperimentale Volo (RSV)), Pratica di Mare Air Base. He is a graduate of the United States Air Force Test Pilot School, Edwards AFB, California (USA), as Flight Test Engineer.
During his RSV assignment he was involved in all major aerospace flight test development programmes, such as Tornado, AM-X, Eurofighter 2000, together with an extensive flying activity. He completed his tour at the RSV as the Center Technical Director in 1996.
Brig.Gen. ASTOLFI attended several courses and technical seminars/symposia at Universities and Research Centers both in Europe and in the USA.
Since 1997 to 2009 he was assigned at the IT-MoD – Aerospace procurement and Airworthiness Agency (ARMAEREO), where he was involved in all major aerospace programmes, such as the F-16 FMS Case with the US Government, the Leonardo M-346 advanced trainer, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. In 2002-2005 he was the Head of the Executive Agency for the 12 Nations “Advanced European Jet Pilot Training” programme. He completed his tour at the IT-MoD Procurement Agency in 2009, as Division Leader “Combat aircraft” from 2005 to 2009.
Since 2009 he serves at the ItAF Logistic Command, first as Head of the Office responsible for AM-X and F-35 programmes, then Head of the 2nd Department, responsible for Armaments, avionic systems, AM-X, Tornado and F-35 programmes.
He also gives regular lectures at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, covering “Aircraft logistic support” and “Flight Mechanics”.
Since October 2016 Gen. ASTOLFI is the Commander of the 2nd Division of the ItAF Logistic Command, responsible for the logistic support of all aircraft, and related armament systems of the Italian Air Force.